Updates on Naturalization

Applicants for naturalization must demonstrate an understanding of the English language and a knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of U.S. history and civics. Exemptions to the English language requirements are available based on the applicant’s age and years as a Permanent Resident and there is an exception to the English and/or civics test if the applicant is unable to comply because of a physical or developmental disability or a mental impairment. This panel will discuss recent, proposed changes to the English-speaking test and the civics test and CLINIC’s advocacy efforts on this issue. This panel will also provide an overview of important USCIS forms and policy changes that are intended to remove barriers for those who qualify for the disability waiver. The session will cover the criteria for obtaining a disability waiver, tips on working with medical professionals to complete the N-648 Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions, and procedures for submission to USCIS.

Workshop Day

Workshop Time

02:30 pm ~ 04:00 pm

Guest Speaker

Janice Beers

