Introduction to U Nonimmigrant Status and Adjustment of Status

Feb. 6 – 27, 2025 | 2-3:30 p.m. ET | CA MCLE: 1.5 per webinar

This four-week webinar series will cover the fundamentals of obtaining U nonimmigrant status for victims of certain crimes. Topics covered will include qualifying crimes, assessing inadmissibility and obtaining waivers, derivative beneficiaries, adjustment of status, the I-929 application for qualifying family members, travel and consular processing, employment authorization, the impact of the annual cap on U status approvals, and the bona fide determination process.

NOTE: Access to recordings of the webinars is included with your purchase of the four-part webinar series. Your access will be available until March 29.  

Webinar One: Eligibility Requirements

Feb. 6 | 2-3:30 p.m. ET | CA MCLE 1.5

In week one, we will focus on the eligibility requirements for U nonimmigrant status including issues related to qualifying crimes, direct and indirect victims, proving physical and mental harm, and obtaining law enforcement certifications.


Webinar Two: Inadmissibility and Removal Issues

Feb. 13 | 2-3:30 p.m. ET | CA MCLE 1.5

In week two, we will review selected grounds of inadmissibility, discuss how to screen for inadmissibility, and focus on how to address grounds of inadmissibility in the initial application as well as new grounds that arise while in U status. Presenters will examine waivers of inadmissibility and the importance of discretionary determinations in adjudications. Finally, we will discuss certain issues for clients who are in removal proceedings or have final orders of removal.


Webinar Three: Derivative Family Members, Travel Issues, Bona Fide Determinations, and the Waiting List

Feb. 20 | 2-3:30 p.m. ET | CA MCLE 1.5

In week three, we will focus on eligibility for U status as a derivative family member. We will also discuss challenges and strategies in consular processing for derivative family members who are outside the United States as well as travel options at all stages of a U nonimmigrant case. In addition, we will examine the statutory cap on approvals and what happens while you wait.


Webinar Four: Applying for Permanent Residence and the I-929 Process for Qualifying Family Members

Feb. 27 | 2-3:30 p.m. ET | CA MCLE 1.5

In week four, we will discuss the law and procedure relating to adjustment of status for U principals and derivatives. Presenters will discuss renewed scrutiny of previously waived grounds of inadmissibility and the importance of supporting applications with positive discretionary evidence. We will also explore applying for qualifying family members who have never been in U status at the time the principal beneficiary adjusts status.

Additional Information

Training Timezone

This training takes place in the Eastern Time Zone.

Certificate of Attendance

Certificates of Attendance are only issued to participants who attend the live session(s).

CLE for Attorney Participants

CLINIC is authorized by the State Bar of California to provide minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) training. If you are a California attorney, you are eligible to claim 1.5 hours of MCLE credits for each live webinar. To receive MCLE credit, please provide your state bar number when you register for each live webinar. If you are an attorney licensed in another state, please check with your state bar to determine whether this training qualifies for MCLE credit.

Type of Training

Webinar Series

Date of Event


Time of Event

02:00 pm ~ 03:30 pm

Registration Deadline

Training Prices

CLINIC Affiliates (4-Part Series) - $140
Nonprofit Agency Staff (4-part Series) - $275
Private Attorneys and Staff (4-Part Series) - $450

Eligible Grant(s) Discount

Acacia (formerly Vera)

Payment and Cancellation

Payment by credit card only. There are no refunds for registration for a single webinar or for a webinar series.