Preparing for N-400 Interviews Including N-648 Preparation

You have worked hard to prepare your client’s naturalization application and now your client is scheduled for an interview with USCIS. How do you prepare your client for that important day? What if your client is unable to comply with the English and/or U.S. history and civics requirements because of a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment? In this workshop presenters will cover what to expect at the naturalization interview, share tips for preparing clients, and explain the role of the advocate during the interview. The session will also cover the criteria for obtaining a disability waiver, tips on working with medical professionals to complete the N-648 Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions, and procedures for submission to USCIS.

Workshop Day

Workshop Time

04:15 pm ~ 05:45 pm

Guest Speaker

Tracy Roy - Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota



CLE Hours
