Strategies for Release From Detention and Stays of Removal

March 18, 2025 | 2-3:30 p.m. ET | CA MCLE: 1.5

Increased enforcement under the Trump administration has led to the arrests and detention of thousands of noncitizens. This panel will discuss strategies to advocate for clients’ release from detention, including parole requests, bond hearings before the immigration court, and habeas petitions. We will also discuss who is subject to mandatory detention and what steps a practitioner can take to challenge a mandatory detention determination. Finally, we will discuss stays of removal before the administrative agencies and the federal courts.

The webinar recording will not be provided so be sure to join us live.

Additional Information

Training Timezone

This training takes place in the Eastern Time Zone.

Certificate of Attendance

Certificates of Attendance are only issued to participants who attend the live session(s).

CLE for Attorney Participants

CLINIC is authorized by the State Bar of California to provide minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) training. If you are a California attorney, you are eligible to claim 1.5 hours of MCLE credits for each live webinar. To receive MCLE credit, please provide your state bar number when you register for each live webinar. If you are an attorney licensed in another state, please check with your state bar to determine whether this training qualifies for MCLE credit.

Type of Training


Date of Event

Time of Event

02:00 pm ~ 03:30 pm

Registration Deadline

Training Prices

CLINIC Affiliates (Webinars) - $35
Nonprofit Agency Staff (Webinars) - $90
Private Attorneys and Staff (Webinars) - $145

Eligible Grant(s) Discount


Payment and Cancellation

Payment by credit card only. There are no refunds for registration for a single webinar or for a webinar series.