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CLINIC is now serving programs that are not yet authorized to provide immigration legal services through the Capacity Building Institute.

Through comprehensive training and expert guidance, participants will gain the tools and confidence needed to prepare a successful Department of Justice Recognition & Accreditation (DOJ R&A) application. By the end of the program, your organization will be poised to join CLINIC’s nationwide network as an Affiliate, ready to make a meaningful impact in your community.

Program Benefits

  • Personalized support through office hours.
  • Cohort meetings for additional CLINIC expert and peer support.
  • Training registration for all required trainings including:*
    • Comprehensive Overview of Immigration Law (COIL)
    • Immigration Program Management Fundamentals and Best Practices
    • Fundamentals of Case Management Techniques and Strategies
    • Department of Justice Recognition & Accreditation
    • Ethics
  • CLINIC expert review of the participating organization’s Department of Justice Application for Recognition and Application for Accreditation for one candidate for DOJ accreditation.
  • Upon successful completion of CBI, Affiliate benefits for the remainder of the calendar year. **

*Additional staff may register for CLINIC trainings at the Affiliate rate.
**Affiliation is not guaranteed

Program Completion Requirements

  • The creation of a Business Plan.
  • The creation of a Policies and Procedures Manual.
  • A DOJ R&A Application, ready to submit.*
  • Readiness to join CLINIC as an Affiliate!

* Letter of Technical Support provided once CBI Participant obtains CLINIC Affiliation

Application Requirements

To be eligible for the CBI, organizations must have held 501(c)(3) nonprofit status for at least six months. For information about how to apply for 501 (c) 3 status, please read our 501 (c) 3 Basic Information resource. Additionally, applicants must not already have a pending Department of Justice Application for Recognition. Interested organizations must submit the requisite CBI application, detailing their progress towards launching an immigration legal services program. This includes evidence of leadership support, community partnerships, and other preparatory steps such as trainings or policy development.

To be notified of upcoming Cohort opportunities, be sure to subscribe to Training Announcements.

Questions? Email cbi@cliniclegal.org