People holding images at a rally.

At this time, CLINIC is accepting affiliation applications from established immigration legal services programs which are authorized to offer immigration legal services to their communities, either through immigration attorneys or DOJ Recognition and Accreditation. If your agency is already established and authorized to practice immigration law and seeking to join CLINIC’s Network, please complete the Information Request Form. 

At this time, CLINIC is pausing the acceptance of applications to join CLINIC’s network from agencies who are not currently authorized to practice immigration law through immigration attorneys or DOJ accredited representatives on staff.   

Agencies seeking to join CLINIC’s network to receive assistance with establishing an immigration legal services program will be invited to join CLINIC through a new application process made available in the fall of 2024. All agencies interested in being considered for this opportunity should express interest by completing CLINIC's Affiliation Inquiry Form. No other action is required at this time. Your agency will be contacted as soon as the application process is open. 

Who are CLINIC subscribers?

Subscribers are non-Catholic nonprofits with a mission to serve low-income immigrants by providing, or seeking to provide, legal immigration services. Subscribers must be associated with a nonprofit or other qualified entity. CLINIC’s subscribers represent the vibrant diversity of local groups defending immigrants and facilitating their integration. Our affiliates include local nonprofits providing a variety of social services or immigration services only, faith-based organizations and congregations, libraries, refugee service organizations, domestic violence survivor assistance programs, labor unions, and more.

Is CLINIC affiliation the right fit for your organization?

Please learn more about important considerations to take before deciding to open up a charitable legal immigration services program.

Are you a Catholic nonprofit? Learn about how you can join the CLINIC network.

To apply for CLINIC affiliation, an organization must provide proof of:

  • A valid 501 (c) 3 or 501 (c) 5 IRS tax designation must be obtained at least 12 months prior to applying.
  • Other documentation may be requested on a case-by-case basis.

For information about how to apply for 501 (c) 3 status, please read our 501 (c) 3 Basic Information resource.

If an initial DOJ recognition and accreditation application is pending, that application must be adjudicated before applying for CLINIC subscription.

CLINIC affiliation is available to agencies only, not individuals. Subscribers should have a demonstrated mission to serve low-income and other vulnerable immigrants. Organizations seeking subscriber status must be providing direct legal services to low-income immigrants or actively planning to establish such services. Organizations seeking subscriber status are expected to be, or become, attorney-driven, Department of Justice recognized, or pursue recognition with at least one accredited staff person to practice immigration law legally.

Due to internal processing requirements, a subscription application takes at least 6 weeks to process.

For those agencies seeking a Letter of Technical Support for DOJ R&A purposes, please note that affiliates are encouraged to submit DOJ Recognition and/or Accreditation applications first for CLINIC's review and feedback after they join the network. Once this review is complete, a Letter of Technical Support is provided.

How to Become a Subscriber

If your agency meets the above requirements and is interested in becoming a subscriber, please use the Information Request Form and select "I am interested in learning more about joining the CLINIC Network". 

For more information, please visit our CLINIC Affiliation FAQs.

Subscription Dues for 2024

CLINIC subscription dues are $1800.00. Subscribers pay a reduced fee of $900.00 if the application is approved between July through December. All renewals are invoiced at $1800.00. Subscription dues are invoiced at the beginning of the year when the annual renewal process begins. Payment can be made by credit card or ACH. Checks are not accepted. 

For more information about subscriptions, contact us through the Information Request Form.

Subscription Benefits for 2024

CLINIC affiliates receive the following benefits:

Training and Technical Assistance

  • Technical support for substantive immigration law questions;
  • Technical support on Department of Justice Recognition and Accreditation;
  • Technical support on immigration program management;
  • Legal and program management tools, toolkits, practice advisories, training manuals, and other resources to enhance your practice and better serve clients;
  • Free webinars on unique issues in program management and immigration law;
  • Discount registration for CLINIC trainings and annual Convening;
  • CLINIC’s monthly e-newsletters;

For more information about CLINIC's training and technical assistance, please watch this video.

TTA video thumbnail

Advocacy Support

  • Strategy guidance on state and local legislative issues;
  • CLINIC’s Topline Immigration Policy, or TIPs Updates;
  • CLINIC Affiliate Advocacy listserv;
  • Monthly State and Local newsletter.
  • E-Advocacy Action Alerts;
  • Case escalation support;

Other Benefits

  • Affiliates-only section of CLINIC's website for resources and support;
  • CLINIC's web-based Job Board to advertise and search for the best applicants in the country;
  • Discount pricing for use of Equifax Immigration Case Management (Formerly LawLogix);
  • Consultations with experts on immigrant and community integration initiatives;
  • Periodic flow-through funding opportunities.

CLINIC's Exclusive Agreement with Equifax Immigration Case Management (Formerly LawLogix)

Equifax Immigration Case Management is the exclusive provider and all-in-one immigration case management solution to CLINIC and its affiliates. Complete with integrated immigration forms, billing, robust reporting, mobile intake capabilities, client web portal and more, Equifax enables thousands of today's leading immigration practitioners to serve more clients more efficiently.

CLINIC affiliates who are leveraging Equifax benefit from pricing discounts, comprehensive training and educational opportunities as well as certification programs.

Learn more

Promoting the Dignity of Immigrants With Affordable Legal Expertise

As it has for more than 30 years, CLINIC will fight for the rights of immigrants. CLINIC trains legal representatives who provide high-quality and affordable immigration legal services. We develop and sustain a network of nonprofit programs that serve over 500,000 immigrants every year. We cultivate projects that support and defend vulnerable immigrant populations by:

  • Providing direct representation for asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border and educating them about their rights;
  • Reuniting formerly separated families;
  • Increasing legal representation for those in removal proceedings and in detention;
  • Providing public education on immigration law and policies; and
  • Advocating for fair and just immigration policies that acknowledge the inherent dignity and value of all people.

History has taught us that people who step up can make a difference. We hope you will join us.

Make a Monthly Donation

  • It's quick and simple

Support a Scholarship

  • Help representatives gain crucial training

About the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.

Embracing the Gospel value of welcoming the stranger, CLINIC promotes the dignity and protects the rights of immigrants in partnership with a dedicated network of Catholic and community legal immigration programs. We are based out of Silver Spring, Maryland (Washington, D.C. metropolitan area), with an office in Oakland, California, and additional staff working from locations throughout the country. Questions and inquiries can be sent to

National Office

Phone: (301) 565-4800
Fax: (301) 565-4824

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Use Your Affiliate Benefits

If you are a CLINIC affiliate, be sure to regularly use your benefits. The page includes exclusive content and tools that will help you as a legal practitioner. Interested in learning more about affiliation? Read through our frequently asked questions to get started.

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