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E-learning Course: Evaluation Skills for Sharing Successful Immigration Stories 

September 5, 2018 - October 3, 2018

Starting September 12, webinars will take place every Wednesday 1:30-3:00 pm EST


This course is unique to the field of immigration services and is being presented for only the third time. The curriculum contains vital information of interest to executive and program directors, grant managers, evaluators and funders supporting immigration services.

The four-week course identifies complex human needs created by global migration and how U.S.-based nonprofit immigration legal programs respond to such needs with varying service delivery models, legal and otherwise.  The course reveals the wealth of data immigration programs collect about their services and client outcomes.  Different program evaluation methods are presented that can be tailored to fit any immigration program’s desire to improve its practices.   Examples are shared as to how day-to-day data points can be turned into compelling stories about immigration successes locally and nationally in order to gain more stakeholder support and community donations.

For a detailed course outline, including the dates and times of the live webinars, click here.

Training Level: Advanced

This is a detailed look into a nonprofit immigration legal program’s service delivery models and data collection habits revealing how legal services effectively respond to global migration needs strengthening families, local communities and the United States. This course is appropriate for executive directors, program managers, immigration legal representatives, policy advocates and community organizers from a wide range of nonprofit settings.  Funders of immigration services will also benefit from this course as it will reveal the many ways in which philanthropic donations are wisely invested in the United States’ ongoing, successful immigrant integration story.

The trainers for this course are members of CLINIC’s Capacity Building section: Jeff Chenoweth (Section Director) and Laura Burdick (Field Support Coordinator).  For questions about the course content, please contact Nathaly Perez at

The course opens on September 5th with access to the e-learning website and week one assignment. The first webinar is on September 12th at 1:30 pm (Eastern) followed by each subsequent webinar on Wednesdays ending October 3 for a total of four, 90-minute sessions. Once you receive your user name and password, you may participate in a variety of activities for self-directed learning, including reading assignments, sample materials to review, and quizzes.  The course will be interactive, with opportunities for online and real-time discussion among students, and between students and instructors.  Although we encourage participants to attend the live webinars each week, each 90-minute presentation and discussion time will be recorded so students may listen to archived sessions and still complete the course.

Course Completion Requirements:  Course participants will receive a course completion certificate if they (a) attend or view recordings of the weekly course webinar and (b) complete each weekly course quiz. You have up to two weeks after the last live webinar in the course to meet these requirements.

Registration:  This training is best for staff and funders of nonprofit immigration legal services. Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of this letter. Payment is by credit card only.

Please provide the full name and a working email address for each individual taking this course.  We will communicate with each registrant via email only, so it is very important that we have the correct name and email address for each registrant listed on the registration form.

The deadline for registration is September 1st or sooner, if registration is filled. For registration information contact

September 5th, 2018 12:00 AM to October 3rd, 2018 11:59 PM
United States
Available Courses
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Legacy Event ID 831