Waivers of the grounds of inadmissibility are an essential part of immigration practice. This four-week course will present information on both the theory and practice of developing and submitting successful waiver applications. Participants will learn what the legal standards of extreme hardship are, how to create a theory of the case, how to marshal the facts, and what kinds of supporting documentation to submit. By the end of the course, participants will be better able to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of specific cases and advise clients on their chances for success. The course will include detailed information on the provisional waiver program and the agency guidance on extreme hardship.
The course starts on August 29 with access to the e-learning course website and week one assignment. Once you receive your user name and password, you may participate in a variety of activities for self-directed learning, including reading assignments, exercises, and quizzes. The course will be interactive, with opportunities for online discussion among students, and between the students and the instructors. The course also includes four live webinars conducted on consecutive Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. Eastern starting on September 5. Each webinar lasts approximately 90 minutes and is recorded and posted on the course website after the webinar is conducted. Although we encourage participants to attend the live webinars each week, you will be able to listen to and view a recording of any webinar you are unable to attend whenever you choose to do so.
Please visit the Course Outline, for a complete listing of the live webinars.
The instructors for this course are CLINIC attorneys Jen Riddle and Charles Wheeler. For questions about the course content, please contact Charles Wheeler at cwheeler@cliniclegal.org.
United States
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